The Impossible Burger (with Will Harris)


July 11th, 2019

40 mins 52 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

The Impossible Burger is a burger made exclusively from plant protein. And, more specifically, genetically modified (GM) soy. Its creators claim we can do no less than save the planet if we eat them at scale. Its creators also claim that any and all forms of animal agriculture are not sustainable at scale, and that most of the environmental degradation on our planet is traceable to private herds of livestock.

They cast a wide net... a bit too wide in my opinion.

While CAFO's are objectively destructive to the environment and ecosystems they inhabit, our farm has been the recipient of our stewarding touch. Regenerative agriculture seeks to heal what industrial agriculture has destroyed... and I see Impossible Foods as a sly industrial food company trying to evade the fact they are brazenly selling GM product to unknowing customers.

While conventional beef production in CAFO's emits about 33 pounds of CO2 into the air for every pound of animal protein, the Impossible Burger emits about 3.5 pounds of CO2 for every pound of plant protein. Sounds great, right? Yeah... until you realize that a farm employing regenerative agricultural techniques in Georgia called White Oak Pastures measured NEGATIVE 3.5 pounds of CO2 for every pound of animal protein they produce. That means they ABSORBED 3.5 pounds of CO2 for every pound of meat. Crazy stuff.

Can we solve technology problems like carbon emissions with more technology like the Impossible Burger? Listen to the episode and find out!