Episode 15

A Gallon of Pasteurized Milk


July 31st, 2019

24 mins 14 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

Milk is our our first food.

It's sustained us since the beginning of time. The Lapplanders, Biblical Hebrews, Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, Spanish, and early American colonists all drank it. It's probably been the least controversial thing on the planet for the past couple thousand years or so. When cows eat grass in a pastoral setting, they produce good milk.

But we've lost that logic somewhere along the way in modern America.

We lock our cows in 6x6 foot stalls and make them stand on concrete for the duration of their short lives. We feed them grain. And then we pretend to watch in horror as people get sickened by the milk.

Pasteurization was invented as a way to sterilize wine, but along the way it got applied to milk. Supposedly it makes milk safe. In fact, drinking a glass of pasteurized, homogenized milk is pretty dangerous. After researching for this episode, I refuse to drink another glass.

Update: I have updated this episode to reflect a more balanced take on conventional vs. raw milk