Episode 11

The Stewardship Diet (with Kelli Williams)


June 19th, 2019

29 mins 3 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

Diets are usually about eliminating stubborn belly fat. That's reductionist, but hang with me. And they are usually recycled. What's in and what's out is really just repackaged every couple of years and given a fancy new name that millenials can get behind. But what I haven't seen is a diet that isn't just totally about you.

Why can't our diets promote consistency in our often chaotic lives? So many diets just end up being short-lived fads because we can't maintain the impossibly high idealism we started them with. Real life just seems to crush it. There needs to be enough flexibility in a diet that allows for times to break it without having to throw all of it out the window.

I offer to you "The Stewardship Diet". I started the stewardship diet about ten months ago with my wife Kelli. It's basically an improvement on the paleo diet, with an acknowledgement that there's no way to follow it perfectly. It's regenerative, flexible, and forgiveable. I hope you enjoy it.